Join us for our first ever STEM Camp! We are excited to welcome children 4K-5th grade to the event. Registration will open soon! Be sure to check back here for the latest information.
Day 1 - The Human Mind
The most powerful computer in the world is still the human brain. Monday is all about marveling at how amazing our human brains are. We can learn to be musicians, poets, athletes, scientists, pilots, truck drivers, doctors, and so much more. Our minds are capable of so much. From simple tasks like playing catch, to solving complicated mathematics. And God gave us all this capacity for amazing things!
The theme for Day 1 then looks at how we are made and compares that to computer technology, which is also able to do so much. We learn how complicated it can be to program a computer to do a simple task. What might come easy to our brains is quite difficult for the simple computer!
Day 2 - God' Great Engineering Project
There are amazing places to see out in the world. There are huge skyscrapers that boggle the mind. There are ancient buildings that have withstood the test of time. Architecture is found in the Bible too. From the construction of the tabernacle and the temple, to the walls of Jericho falling down, to the building of Herod’s temple in Jerusalem, during Jesus day. But the greatest building of all is the church of God in heaven.
Jesus promised us that he would prepare our heavenly mansion for us. He saved us from sin and death and promised us a new home in heaven. The theme for Day 2 thanks God for that wonderful and hopeful bit of architecture.
We also have fun building our own projects, too!
Day 3 - God Preserves Us (with Science!)
We live in a world that provides so much for us. God has created a world in which we have all that we need to live and thrive. Everything we have comes from God’s creation. He preserves us daily through it.
Even the way that the rain falls from the sky, flows into rivers, returns to the oceans, only to evaporate and start the process all over again is a wonder for us to behold. Day 3's focus is all about learning about God’s wondrous preservation of our lives through things like weather.